You’re reading the Substack version of my December 2022 status update. Looking for the plaintext version on sourcehut, or version? You’re got covered! Delays may happen while cross-posting elsewhere, but I’m preparing them up behind the scenes.

Hello there! Sorry for the no updates in the past months, since I was busy doing different chores behind the scenes. So, here's everything happened IRL and online in this month's edition of my personal status updates.

This post is written fully in JetBrains Space (JetBrains didn't sponsor for this one, I'm just experimenting with Space much I would do for JetBrains Fleet) in a project document, alongside other drafts would dump on my personal organization.

Header image for December 2022 status update, made with Canva.
Social preview image for Substack, made with Canva.

Firstly, school

I have been busy with my face-to-face school life since late August, so I struggled to even keep you updated on a monthly basis (and that's make the last status update long overdue to publish), among other things. Apologies for that, life is unexpected these days.

Second, an opening up about my mental health (TL;DR: I'm neurodivergent)

Since my early childhood years, I've been a neurodivergent, although I'm still in the closet, slowly accepting my true self while healing and recovering from trauma, reconnecting with the core self, and handling social + performance + math anxiety. Technically, I disclosed this in the class via a presentation (in Filipino, because well, it’s a school performance task after all).

The reasons why it took so long for me are: a) I'm still in the closet, not ready to fully open it up due to possible discrimination, ableism/disablism, and childhood trauma and b) I'm not sure whenever everybody else would understand me due to stigmatization and pathologization of neurodiversity and stereotyping in mainstream media (CW: link points to DuckDuckGo search results, feel free to use another search engine as you wish).

Thanks for reading Andrei Jiroh’s post here on Substack so far! Subscribe to get the future posts straight in your inbox. Continue reading by scrolling below.

All aboard: Joining + possibly abandoning Twitter for good

I joined ~vern, another pubnix (or in the tildeverse community, a tilde) because sometimes is a bit full on storage space for the home partition (but they're working on that behind the scenes as of time of writing), and that default 20 GB disk quota per user (doesn't apply to mail) is good enough for casual remote software development, minus the usage of Remote SSH on VS Code because Wireguard-as-SSH-proxy on the pubnix, and it would be way more PITA to do port forwarding. (Don't know about pubnixes? Consider visiting and read one of these articles.)

Also in the section of internet shitfuckeries (currently draft as of time of writing), I've been thinking lately of completing leaving Twitter for good after the Musk buyout and all the chaos involved, but it's going to be way more painful as Facebook because of networks effect and most of my fandoms/communities I follow are active on Twitter. (I'm not considering deactivating my account due to account impersonation through username takeovers from deactivated accounts, maybe just make it protected and let it rot in a distant future.)  If that happens, you can still find me elsewhere via my page.

Dotfiles hellscape in 2023

Another fresh project coming from the Linux homelab hellscapes is (not necessarily starting over) my dotfiles repo from scratch, this time with ~sircmpwn's guide on $HOME-wide repo and not just symlinking hell on ~/.dotfiles. I'm still in the process of porting stuff from the legacy repo into there, and honestly I'm going to dive in deeper to sourcehut stuff starting next year.

Sure, this might confuse both Gitpod (the new pricing is probably fine for casual development on medium-sized workspaces and GitHub Codespaces (used sparingly due to storage quotas when inactive on GitHub Free plan) on this new layout, but I’ll worry about that in the future.

That's all I have for this month!

After reading this, consider checking out my #SpotifyWrapped 2022 stats and check your inbox starting this January for the year-end reflection (which at time of posting is now writing behind the scenes), so consider subscribing to my Substack (or, if you do). Due to busy schedule starting January 4, expect a bit less posts here, but I’m still working on different projects behind the scenes outside of school. Happy holidays to all!

Have any comments on one of my blog posts? Start a new discussion on my public inbox by sending a plaintext-only email to ~ajhalili2006/ (make sure to read the equities in sending email to a public mailing list) or contact me privately, and I will try to respond to you as much as possible. If you're receiving this from Substack via email, just hit reply.

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November + December 2022 Status Update

Here we are. Almost 3–4 months of no monthly status updates. What could possibly go horribly wrong?