Editor ~ajhalili2006 here: I will disable blog comments on WordPress in the future to encourage readers to send comments for posts via a public mailing list and to ease up the migration between WordPress.com and future iteration of my blog if I do. If you still want to comment on this post, please don't do that. Instructions to comment on blog posts via mailing lists is available at the very end of this post.

EDIT August 4, 2022: I fixed some grammar errors across this page and added some links. You can also view this post in plaintext over at sourcehut, although please ignore the Avast antivirus part at the end, please blame my parents' life choices for that (if you will).

It's me after a bit longer hiatus due to bloody school chores and some break from the usual software development chores. Here are some bits on what I'm cooking for this month so far. I'll try to go into monthly status updates as much as possible, since the next school year's start is disastrously on August 22. So, here's what I have done for the month of July 2022:

sr.ht/~ajhalili2006 and sr.ht/~recaptime-dev

I signed up for SourceHut's hosted service, and while I use the CI service on manual submissions to test configs (which is a bit different because it's a full-blown VM inside an empty Docker container with just QEMU binaries instead of either plain Ubuntu VMs in Azure Cloud for GitHub or Docker containers inside an ephemeral small VM in Google Cloud for GitLab SaaS) other than manual triggers via web UI, I applied for free service as a student in meanwhile (possibly remind me to renew it at least a week before) before I could get a hold of my own credit card and I can work in the future once I'm officially an adult years later.

Also in the meanwhile, I also started bringing my dotfiles there and then set up some mailing lists and issue trackers for both personal projects and anything under Recap Time Squad (to simplify account management during the public alpha and billing in the future for both me and ~sircmpwn/@ddevault once I could afford the one of the paid options, explained in the preformatted Markdown table below, sorry for that).

| GitLab.com / GitHub | sr.ht during alpha | sr.ht during beta×
| ajhalili2006 | ajhalili2006 | ajhalili2006 |
| RecapTime | recaptime-dev | recaptime-dev |
| community-lores | sr.ht/~recaptime-dev/community-lores | community-lores*
| gitpodify | sr.ht/~recaptime-dev/gitpodify | gitpodify |

* - under a project page within hub.sr.ht on ~recaptime-dev's account
× - we're not sure how orgs will work out in public beta,
    so keep your eyes on sourcehut.org/blog and
probably ask ~sircmpwn about free service for orgs soon

And because of that, I'm currently in the process of setting things up for mirrors and stuff behind the scenes.

Community Radar newsletter

I literally bamboozled Revue for Substack, and the July 2022 issue will become probably by the first week of August after finish some collecting more articles and stuff to the dumps. It's a long backlog, so I may cut off articles after July 13 deadline so that I can start writing now.

And speaking of sr.ht, I'll also want to do a plaintext version of the newsletter, although it's a bit of a pain to do so, but I'll plan on how do I implement that. God bless how do I do these simultaneously before the first week of school.

Even more bloody projects to maintain

Yup, that's not a typo. God, why I have so many projects to do during the next-school-year break. I'll talk about these very soon, at least on the next monthly status update.

What happened to your current #100DaysOfCode blog series?

Yeah, I failed the challenge due to time constraints as a high school student. It could be worst if I got a remote software engineering work in the future. But I'll attempt to do it again in the foreseeable future, but it's depends on future workload.

Thanks again for reading this first monthly status update, and apologies if this is posted past July. Hope you are fine mentally and financially, and see you on the other side next time.

Have any comments on one of my blog posts? Stark a new discussion on my public inbox by sending a plaintext-only email to ~ajhalili2006/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht, not in the WordPress comments down below. Please do not act like a dickhead and follow the mailing list etiquette when writing one.

July 2022 Status Update