Welcome to the start of the second month of my #100DaysOfCode challenge for 2022! This week, I built a Discord bot, an GitHub app and an REST API in Autocode for the Verification Endpoint API project on Recap Time, and even more work on the Discord Rich Presence for MC Championship viewers, mostly.

Disclaimer: There may be an referral link for Autocode signup link for myself. They didn’t sponsor me in this blog post by the way. It would be nice if they give 70 XP for the people I referred too in the future.

Day 29 - March 14, 2022

Just the usual me adding some assets for the MCC Discord RPC stuff, and where I mass- commit and push the first few commits to GitLab. There were some other unfinished business on my WSL copy of the repo, but surely I’ll add them to version control very soon.

Day 30 - March 15, 2022

This is the day when I accidentally discovered Autocode after stumbling upon their Discord embed and slash command editor, spending for doing some experiments in their tutorial, counting out at 51 minutes on my first day.

Authenicating Discord bots was somewhat a pain sometimes, but I never tried to drill down which of my extensions is interfering with the popouts other than an quick fix to allow popouts on my Chrome settings (I’m still using Chrome, mate. Compatibility is always an headache for some sites, especially Darklang’s web editor and VS Code Web in Gitpod/code-server.)

Also in this day, I added some Gitpod magic to the MCC Discord Rich Presence repo, so that we can reproduce bugs in the cloud, minus the pain of setting up an local dev environment for the future contributors.

Day 31 - March 16, 2022

Another day of exploring Autocode before I started doing some serious business of separating development auth keys from production stuff, which is what I traditionally do on traditional development workflow, and I even gonna admit sometimes I ship code to production from development branch and cross my fingers not to break again.

Day 32 - March 17, 2022

Meanwhile in Autocode, I was thinking if I can build a Telegram bot with webhooks and telegraf npm package, but I detoured and chose to write an Autocode Standard Library for it while following the Bot API docs. It gonna be painful if I want to do webhooks stuff, but maybe I can setup an webhook proxy for this later on.

I also consider about applying for the Partner Program on Autocode for the fancy authentication stuff and even an possible recaptime.events.stdlib.com/tg endpoint. for webhooks, but their form is a bit broken when I attempting to submit due to some Airtable-related issues, so I passed the mail to one of the Autocode crew through Discord DMs in meanwhile.

Day 33-35 - March 18-20, 2022

I did some more coding on my Autocode experiments, until I got the idea of start building one for the Verification Endpoint API project. Updating slash commands were a pain, especially if you installed them before the update. Maybe I should do an bloody hell of testing-in-production scenarios and also thinking what database backend should I use then, because it might be a bit painful if I do.

I also created an separate server for the testing hell on bots hosted on Autocode now and elsewhere in the future to ensure we can control chaos before we ship it to production.

The testing server in nutshell.

Meanwhile, I updated the GitHub issue form for the Verification Endpoint API’s Add New Entry template. It’s still being ironed out right now, but once I start working on the API, the processes and stuff, I can now implement OAuth magic by myself later on the development process before I start shipping weekly production releases soon.

Meanwhile in Community Radar newsletter issue drafts, I’m still adding content and polishing stuff before being shipped to Tumblr for finalization and stuff.

That’s it for now, and sorry for very late post! Week 6 update will come by at least Wednesday, so follow me on Twitter and/or Tumblr for more shenanigans and stuff like these. See you on another blog post!

100 Days of Code 2022 - Week #5