Welcome back to my 3rd week of 100 Days of code blog series. As I didn’t mentioned before in the past week, there are some days where I didn’t do coding and/or just do manual maintenance on some of my forks. So, enjoy reading this blog post (and even possibly roasting me over the comments section for my procrastination).

Days 15 and 16 - February 28 and March 1, 2022

Probably took an rest from doing some code and to prepare myself for the upcoming school quarter and also watched some YouTube videos in that day. More household chores ahead.

Days 17 - March 2, 2022

I just pulled stuff from upstream into Gitpodified Workspace Images repo, as usual. I’m still not enabling Dazzle builds on GitLab CI side of things yet for more than a month. In this day also, I finished edited my week 2 of this and shipped to the blog from Notion. By the way, this day is where my family attended the Ash Wednesday mass and ate dinner on the streets afterwards since it my mom’s birthday.

Day 18 - March 3, 2022

Nothing to note here sadly, but let’s assume I do some hooks server development privately.

Day 19 - March 4, 2022

I did some bug squashing stuff on the hooks server for Community Updates Radio and making the API call handlers more asynchronous, including fixing an JSON syntax bug on the inline buttons for Telegram and even add some testing packages for test the back of the things in the future.

Day 20 - March 5, 2022

I’m writing the issue #1 draft of the Community Radar newsletter in GitLab IDE when Cloud Shell just chose death and booted me off. which means I lost all the work I ever did, so maybe I should commit often to ensure nothing is lost. Press F for that.

Speaking of Community Radar behind the scenes, I setup an Airtable base (view in read-only mode) for all things using an template to simplify my life.

Day 21 - March 6, 2022

I formatted the code for the hooks server and some YAML files using Prettier inside an Gitpod workspace. I also sent some test emails to the Support Desk address from an Airtable automation that automagically fires an email when an issue entry is set its status to On hold, and after that I enabled it.

Before the coding even started, I watched few Hermitcraft S9 stuff first and then some by the way.

And that’s it for now. I should start doing my schoolwork by now, but my brain chose violence, I mean, procrastinate, and just do other things instead. Hope you enjoyed this week’s progress report from me. By the way, follow me on Twitter and/or Tumblr for more shenanigans and stuff like these. I think my weekly reports should be on Wednesdays due to my chaotic schedules, but i may varies depending on the activity load I'm currently have.

100 Days of Code 2022 - Week #3